Our lives are made up of countless moments.
They rush by at such a crazy pace.
Sometimes we barely have time to notice them as we live our everyday lives. Then we catch ourselves in one, and it takes our breath away.
It’s in those moments - those irreplaceable, blink-and-you-miss-em, gorgeous, heart-aching moments - that we feel what’s truly important in our lives.
For a brief second we can fully grasp the magnitude of the love we feel for our partners, our families, our friends.
It's the moments we take for granted that we later treasure the most.
12:56pm | 6.25.2016 | Portland, OR

Moments that happen every day. Until they don’t.
We all know that bittersweet ache, remembering treasures we no longer have…
Your first house, the one with the creaky stairs that your youngest kiddo ran up and down for hours on end.
Or the beloved Grandma whose ring you proudly wear, who you wish you could ask one more question.
The adorable faces your baby girl used to make at bathtime, now replaced by slightly less adorable teenage attitude and a locked door.
The masses of bedtime storybooks that are now long gone, but you can still remember word for word…
We cherish these memories as much as the moments themselves.
So we do our best to store as much of it as possible in our heads for safe keeping.
That’s also what my kind of photography does. It lets you hold onto some of these memories forever.
So you can be present for the moments, but also give yourself the ability to revist them from time to time...

7:36pm | 4.11.2018 | Leuven, Belgium

Sometimes it’s not everyday. It’s once in a lifetime.
The amazing moments on your Wedding Day only happen once.
They rush by in the most overwhelming glow of happiness. No matter how much you plan and prepare, it’s a blur. That’s completely natural.
There’s so much love. So many precious souls in one place.
You wish you could see everything that’s happening, every friend, every moment, every feeling in the room.
That’s where I come in.
Even when your eyes are closed, you’ll still get to see it all.
So you can spend precisely zero minutes worrying about photography on the day.
You just relax and soak in as much of it as is humanly possible, and I’ll capture the rest so you don’t miss a thing.
7:37pm | 10.1.2016 | Charleston SC

I find the magic inside that love filled haze.
The moments between moments, the gold…
Your niece asleep in the corner still clutching your flowers…
Your college friends dancing with your grandpa…
The tears and sniffles from all sides as you walk down the aisle…
Friends from opposite sides of the planet sharing toasts and shots…
Your dad’s speech that makes the whole room blush as your new husband hides his face…
Everyone important, together in one place because they love you.
For a photographer who can see feelings, it’s basically the best thing ever.
As I’ve already said, to me it’s all about the people. How they feel and how they love.
I’ll take good care of yours.

2:40pm | 9.29.2019 | Junction City, OR

My pictures are bold and vivid, like the energy I feel.
Every Photographer has a style. Mine? Candid, Natural, Vibrant.
It's unposed but I'm there with you every step of the way.
It’s a little bit documentary style, but it’s not cold and hands off. Less fly-on-the-wall, more right-in-the-middle-of-the-laughter-and-the-eyes-squeezed-closed-hugs!
Basically, you’ll feel the love…
I capture how it felt to be there.
So you can remember your feelings on that day, that period in your life, and experience them all over again.
Photography has the power to transport us, our brains fill in the rest. The sounds, the smells, the light, the emotions…
They’re all waiting to be brought back to life with a single image.
2:39pm | 3.30.2015 | Portland, OR

Life and Love, enthusiastically captured.
So look, I’m NOT the guy to take pictures of you posing like magazine models…
I’m not the person to document every shoe in the room on your wedding day.
I’m not going to insist on your family wearing matching denim, barefoot in front of a white backdrop.
I’m not going to document your newborn baby laying in a fruit bowl or a hammock. (Yes, that’s a real thing.)
Other photographers are amazing at those pictures, it’s just not me…
I capture the love and the personalities of the most important people in your world. That’s it.
You owe it to yourself to find a photographer who you feel a connection with, whose values line up with yours, and obviously one whose photographs light you up inside!
If that’s not me, please keep looking - I want everyone to find the perfect photographer for them.
If it is, let’s chat!

3:33pm | 4.1.2017 | Cape Lookout, OR

Let’s start capturing YOUR moments!