I wish I was one of those Hipster Rock Star Photographers.
I hate to say it, but I’m just not that cool...
What I am is a big happy British dork who talks like Harry Potter and is taller than Hagrid.
I’m a Husband, a Dad to 1 giant comedy Dog and 1 very patient Cat, and a ‘hilarious’ Uncle to 2 Californian Nieces and 2 British Nephews.
They all love me but none of them have the word ‘cool’ on the tip of their tongue when describing me…
And I’m fine with that, I’m just me.
I love my job, trip over things and sometimes do both at the same time.
I’m gonna have to pause your shoot to pet passing dogs, because dogs… I hope you understand.
I’ll sit on the ground and chat with your kids because I want to talk to your kids and not just the adults!
Did I unleash my epic Karaoke skills while photographing a Rehearsal Dinner? Yep. ‘With or Without You’ was almost as stunning as the photos.
I guess what I’m saying is… If you’re a real human who wants another real human to come take your photos — give me a call!
But as uncool as I may be as an adult, as a kid it was worse.
I grew up in a galaxy far, far away…
On a tiny island off the south coast of England called the Isle Of Wight. It’s in a Beatles song, you know.
My early years involved the usual obsessions: Dinosaurs, Indiana Jones, Computers, Calvin & Hobbes…
I had 2 loving parents, buying me Star Wars toys when they could afford to, 1 loving sister to fight with and 2 loving dogs doing their best to steal my dinner.
A normal enough childhood, right?
Sure, but what these epic old pictures don’t show is how I felt at times.
Shy, quiet, and pretty darn awkward. I was definitely not too cool for school. School was the worst.
I was super tall, super skinny, with ‘unruly’ hair and a propensity to blush when embarrassed. (R.I.P. unruly hair)
Those feelings I keep mentioning? I felt them all, and it was so hard…

“Well of course it was hard, you’re an empath.”
A wise friend told me these exact words, years later.
Empath, huh? There are worse things ending in ‘path’ to be I suppose…
“No, seriously. You feel what everyone is feeling, that’s how you get the photos that you get”.
As that shy awkward kid, who probably thought an ‘empath’ was some kind of weird star wars creature, navigating all those feelings sucked.
Now though, as a Photographer - It’s my superpower.
Maybe all this feelings stuff sounds a little out there, but people have always told me I have a knack for capturing ‘just the right moments’…
It’s like I can see them happen and record them!
Being naturally super aware of everyone’s feelings around me has helped me become the photographer I am today.
No, don’t worry, I can’t read your mind…
In 2010, my Dad died unexpectedly and it wiped me OUT.
My best mate, my inspiration, my rock.
What a terrible way to realise the importance of family photographs, as I spent the following weeks searching through piles of pictures, trying to find any of me and him.
Wishing I had just one or two more, and treasuring each and every one I found.
It’s now my mission to use my photography to help people preserve their family memories and have beautiful, honest pictures of the ones they love.
I didn’t feel like myself for quite a while
I eventually found out I was living with depression. Me, the big smiley bloke….
But, as I opened up about it and shared how I was feeling, I saw how many other people were dealing with similar struggles.
The support I received from my friends and family showed me how much sharing your real feelings can help others.
I’ll continue to do whatever I can to destigmatise the issue of mental health that affects so many of us and our families.

Why am I telling you all this?
Because working though it helped me learn so much…
I got better at photographing real feelings because I was so much more aware of them myself.
More aware that life is full of joy and wonder but it also has many challenges and struggles.
That’s what makes it life, I guess.
And I became more aware of what I was really photographing - the unique story of each family and each couple.
Some of the most joyful pictures can be so bittersweet too.
When you look closely you’ll see more than just smiles in some of your pictures.
Like the gratitude and joy you have for the grinning kiddo who overcame a childhood illness, or you worried would never be here at all. Now carefree and climbing all over you…
The family portraits you arranged to take with your Mom or Grandad that you’re dreading might not be around for too much longer, their eyes twinkling in every shot...
Or the pictures celebrating the recently departed loved ones who can’t be at your wedding, in the eyes and tears of all of you who miss them so much...
I don’t view my clients as cookie-cutter clones to simply pose in front of my camera, there’s infinitely more to you all than that…
I believe we find strength in community
My Mum was always at the centre of hers.
Always ready with a cup of tea and a friendly ear for her (seemingly) millions of friends.
Throughout my life she taught me the importance of relationships and conection, and shared her values of tolerance and respect for everyone.
She passed away recently. Amazingly it didn’t destroy me this time.
I miss her like crazy but instead of a void, I’m left with endless gratitude for everything she gave me. I’m just so darn lucky I got to have her as my Mum.
I think the best tribute I can give her is to keep wearing my heart firmly on my sleeve, just like she did.
Basically, I believe in people - and what makes us all unique and irreplaceable…
My job is to capture and preserve that uniqueness in everyone I photograph…
My business is a safe and inclusive space and everybody is welcome here. Life is way too short for hate.
I’m a proud immigrant to this beautiful country and I love the gorgeous humans of the USA!
I embrace the diversity of this amazing place, and celebrate the beauty in our differences.
As such,
— I believe Love is Love.
— I believe Black Lives Matter.
— I believe Trans Lives Matter.
— And I believe in you!

“Most important was your personality. You made us so comfortable at all stages of the very stressful wedding process.
As a same-sex couple, it was SO important to hire someone who was supportive and friendly to our lifestyle and we found all of that in you, so thank you :)
Lastly, the way you capture moments instead of just taking photos was amazing. You managed to capture everything from tears of joy, to laughter, to smiles, dancing, and embracing.
You weren’t the “the photographer” at our wedding, you were more like one of our guests and made everyone around you have fun and feel comfortable in from of your camera!”

Enough about me, tell me all about you!