While we’re talking about feelings, here’s one of the worst I can remember…
I was 11 or 12. Shy and awkward. Already the tallest kid in school.
“Damian, stand up and read chapter 6”.
Oh no. My book shook, my face turned red, my heart pounded…
I was totally one of those shy quiet kids at school, you remember them. Mumbling & blushing, hoping for an earthquake to swallow them up.
“Speak up Damian, nobody can hear you”. Someone giggled behind me. Fade to black.
Yep, that’s cartoon me...
(Dying on the inside in the desolate valley of English Class.)
If there’s an origin story for my superpower, this is it. I was miserably uncomfortable a lot of the time and I don’t wish that feeling on anyone.
Especially not you.
But, with my friends… Different kid.
Absolute opposite. Not shy. Certainly not quiet.
Still nowhere approaching cool, but I didn’t have to be.
Those 80’s summers on the Isle Of Wight with my mates, exploring the countryside and beaches on our bikes were like Stranger Things, minus the murderous Demogorgons and stuff...
We played, we laughed. I got to be myself.
They’re still my best friends today.
Once I was in a safe supportive environment, I was as happy as a clam.
Or maybe a fish, next to all his favourite chips…
Finally I felt safe, and comfortable. I’ll make sure you feel that way too.
(That’s Si and Gav in the pic above - still my favorite chips / chaps to this day!)

It’s so much easier to be yourself when you feel comfortable.
That's my mission. To make you feel at ease on the other side of the camera.
Unless you’re a model, or maybe really, really ridiculously good looking, it’s no easy feat to have a stranger take pictures of you and your partner or family.
I understand how much trust and vulnerability it takes…
Don’t worry, you’re safe here.
But, you say… Your kiddos are ‘shy’, you’re ‘not that photogenic’ and your husband is ‘awkward’…
Take a look through the galleries…
So many of those people felt exactly the same things you do, and their photographs turned out great.
They were so happy how easy and painless the whole process was, and they loved having pictures that felt like them.
So will you!
You just have to be yourself. Even you literally can't do that wrong.
I’m serious. Just relax and I’ll take care of the rest.
“You totally captured her personality!” is the comment I live for.
It’s closely followed by “That is the look he does all the time!” and “That’s exactly how it felt on that day!”
What you thought was ‘just normal’ about you is actually the magic that we will capture together!
You don’t need pictures of what you look like ‘doing a photo shoot’…
You need pictures of what your love feels like everyday!
You need pictures that capture everything you love about your favourite people!
You need pictures that show you how you feel…

That’s how it should be.
THAT’S my philosophy.
(11 year old me agrees - he made me turn this page into cartoons…)