Okay, there are photographers everywhere.
Not literally everywhere - that would be scary…
But still, there’s so many photographers out there that it probably makes your brain hurt to research them.
How on earth can you decide who’s best and who’s worth your money?
My advice? Unsurprisingly from the guy who’s been banging on about feelings on every page of this website - trust your gut.
It always comes back to how you feel…
So, how do you FEEL when you look at their photographs?
What happens when you imagine your family or partner in those pictures?
Is the photographer someone you can see yourself sharing an hour, 3 hours, a day with? And enjoy it?
You are spending your hard earned money and inviting someone to get to know you and your partner or family, then to safeguard your memories.
That takes trust, it’s vulnerable. Your photographer should appreciate that.

Just like you, us photographers are all different.
Different in our style, our skills, our values, our experience…
And you guessed it, our pricing!
I know, talking about money is no fun, but we’re here on the pricing page - so let’s talk dollars!
We each have a unique way of seeing and capturing life. Like other artists, us photographers charge what we think our work and service is worth.
Basically, if all the photographers whose work you love on Instagram are charging more than the ones whose work you don’t - there’s a reason why.
You’re not just looking for a vendor to sell you something…
You’re looking for a connection with your photographer.
You have to trust them and feel comfortable around them, that’s how you get the best photographs and enjoy the whole experience!
Good photographers do a lot more than just show up and click a button. All this other stuff is what you’re really paying for when you hire us…
So, we might be artists, but we are trying not to be the starving type…
Running a sustainable business that helps us provide for our families, develop our art, and serve our beloved clients —that’s what lights us up!

“Okay, okay show me the money!”
All of my prices are right here. Revolutionary, I know!
Actual prices kinda make it easier to make decisions, right?
You might be used to jumping through a few more hoops to find out how much your photos will cost.
No hoops here!
Just all of my prices, clearly explained and easy to understand…

Let’s have a chat!