If you’ve made it this far, you know plenty about me…
I can’t wait to get to know you, too!
So, I may be an empath, but I’m not a mind-reader.
This page lets me know what’s in your head, so I can help you get those awesome photographs you’ve been dreaming of!
Check out the awesome contact form I’ve made for you! Then when we chat we can get straight to the good stuff…
Or you can totally just call me on the phone on 503-855-7500 - that is still a thing.
Okay, onto the magic boxes…

These magic boxes will tell me all about you!
I mean, you don’t have to fill them ALL out, but…
…the more you can share with me about yourself and the photographs you’re looking for - the more I can help you!
If you’ve read any of this website, you know that this whole thing only works when we share our feelings.
So, go ahead and share. These magic boxes are your friends.
I can’t wait to hear from you!

Speak to you soon!